Don’t let your mind be snowed in (Feb 10, 2010)
They say that if you read a book you are an expert, and if you write a book you are a consultant. The same holds true for articles. If you are inspired to write an article, I can help you get it published. It’s just a matter of finding the right audience. Writing an article increases your visibility in the field and proves your communication skills. You will not get rich, but you’ll be one step ahead of the other MBAs looking for jobs.
If you don’t have a publication in mind, use the SRDS service to find one: If you are off campus, you will be asked for your last name and GUID number from your GoCard. Go into Business Media Advertising Source, select Keyword Search in Step 2, then type one word that describes your industry (e.g. investment), and press Search. What appears in the left field is a list of magazines that have your keyword in their entry. The most important sections to read are the top, which gives you the publication’s editorial profile, and the bottom, which tells you their circulation and sometimes whether they have special issues. Use these to help you select the right publication to approach.
Maybe you want to be more reflective. Take this time to explore your favorite subject. A good many of our business books are available electronically. Start with the keyword search screen of GEORGE: Type in a broad word or phrase (e.g. marketing) then from the Location pull-down menu choose Internet and press Submit. A list of books available electronically will appear. If there is an image next to the title, you can click on the image and information about the book will be available to help you select the best book to explore.
If the idea of skimming through a book is too daunting, catch up on some of your favorite thought leaders by reading their articles. The article database I recommend most for business is ABI/Inform: Once in the database. type in an author you find interesting, e.g. Porter, Michael; change the selection from Citation and Abstract to Author; then press Search. A list of articles written by the author will appear. If you click on the title of the article, the abstract will be made available to you. Review the abstract and subject list to make sure you will find this article useful. The full text of the article is generally listed below. If the full text of the article is not attached to this record, use the “Find Full Text @ G” icon to link into another database that has the full text. In the unlikely event the article is not available in another database, use the free “Get article via email link” option to request the article.
If you want to escape the snow news or read papers from your Global Experience country, use Press Display: It contains the full text and color photos and images of 225 newspapers from all over the world. Start by selecting a country by using the “Select Title” in the upper right of the page.
If you’re not feeling active enough for any of these things, catch up on some of the great programs that MSB has been hosting at
The library building is open. If you are able to make it to campus, say thank you to those working. Most of the library staff is also working virtually; you can use any of these methods to reach out to us: You can also reach me at, to ask questions or set up a telephone call.
Stay safe, warm, and dry.
New Resources (Sept 09)
Business Full Text
Full text 1995- Abstracting and indexing 1982-
It covers all aspects of contemporary business, from the broad areas of accounting, taxation, foreign trade, advertising, banking, public relations, government regulations, real estate, acquisitions and mergers, insurance, communications, management, marketing, entertainment, healthcare, hospitality, tourism, oil and computers, to specific industries, businesses, trades and topics of current interest and concern. It also includes citations to book reviews, interviews, biographical sketches, new-product reviews, corporate profiles and obituaries. Additional information at Wilson’s Website.
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online (online access for 2 years only)
Designed for economists, this encyclopedia’s articles read like those in economics journals. It retains the descriptions of economic methods from earlier editions and adds more information on the findings of those methods. It also offers a new emphasis on advances in microeconomics, Bayesian theory, game theory and behavioral, international and experimental economics.
Print Location: LAU Ref Stacks HB61 .N49 2008
Management & Organization Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
These peer-reviewed journals cover such subjects as organizational behavior, organizational development, strategic management, organizational theory, industrial psychology, human resource (HR) management, business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CRS), environmental management, leadership, group processes, organizational communication, management learning, management education, training, industrial relations (IR), labor economics, international & cooperative management, entrepreneurship, small business management, E-commerce, non-profit management, compensation & benefits, environmental management, service organizations, hospitality, travel, tourism, marketing, macromarketing, social marketing, marketing education, marketing theory, service marketing, sociology of work, business & government relations, critical theory, simulation, action research, research design, and research methodologies.
Turnkey Team Brand Index (Print only)
The TTBI is for team & league executives, sponsors, broadcasters, licensees, vendors, media or anyone seeking to better understand the 122 team brands, their strengths and weaknesses, and the brand attributes that they embody. The study tracks metrics in 47 markets. The main Index is made up of 21 components that result in finer indexes: Team Popularity, Fan Loyalty, Grade of Ownership, Sponsor Loyalty, and Out-of-market Following. Along with the market analysis of large metro areas and single-team markets, the annual contains league overviews of the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA. Their Sponsor Overviews cover the athletic apparel, automobile, beer, credit card, express, home improvement, quick serve restaurants, soft drink, and wireless categories, and includes team brand attributes.
Ref Stacks GV716 .T87
Euromonitor New analysis and datasets – Countries & Consumers
This data, is simply unavailable from any other source. Latest additions include:
Monthly economic review
Examines where consumers are showing most resilience, where unemployment is rising fastest and which economies are heading towards deflation.
Recovery watch
Monitors the world’s major economies for indications of an upswing in growth. We interpret economic trends, separating those that are significant from those that are merely offering false hope.
Country Briefings
Highlights the strengths and weaknesses of 84 key markets, exploring six areas in-depth: real estate; government; finance; energy; socio-political and environment.
Consumers in 2020
Spotlights future consumer trends in key consumer markets. Some trends are already simmering, some are new, but all are likely to influence consumers in the next 10 years.
Future watch
Explores how consumer trends and segments will develop in the future and how this will impact on the consumption, lifestyles and attitudes of us all.
What’s new with the emerging market consumer?
Spotlights consumer trends in BRIC countries and other emerging nations every two months. It enables you to capture the hearts of these prized consumers.
Strategy Briefings: exploring cross-industry themes
Our Strategy Briefings update you on the global trends which cross the boundaries of many different markets. For a full listing of titles visit the Euromonitor International website. Some of the most recent include:
How web technology is driving behaviour in global markets; power to the consumer!
Online price comparisons, coolhunting, and blogs may be leading to marketing anarchy, but what does the change in consumer behaviour mean for operators?
Global food intolerance products market – At war with our food
There are currently over 300 million people managing special diets worldwide; the number is rising each year. The increased diagnosis of food insensitivities has given rise to a new and growing market for food intolerance or “free from” products, as well as stricter labelling.
Retaining customer loyalty in harsher times
Loyalty marketing has emerged as an integral part of the marketing strategies of retailers, travel groups and other service providers as they seek to maintain or expand their existing customer base in an ever more competitive environment.
Global trends – what is the world coming to? The outlook for 2009
How does the picture look from twelve of the world’s major markets, how are they changing their spending and behaviour in the new world order? The forecast section includes an interactive function to create scenarios for yourself.