Don’t let your mind be snowed in


“If you read a book you are an expert, and if you write a book you are a consultant.”  Jennifer C. Boettcher

The same holds true for articles.  If you are inspired to write an article, I can help you get it published.  It’s just a matter of finding the right audience.  Writing an article increases your visibility in the field and proves your communication skills.  You will not get rich, but you’ll be one step ahead of the other MBAs looking for jobs.

If you don’t have a publication in mind, I have some advice. Use this to help you select the right publication to approach.  Learn more about writing and getting published your non-scholarly articles

Maybe you want to be more reflective. Take this time to explore your favorite subject.  A good many of our business books are available electronically.  Start with the keyword search screen of HoyaSearch.  Type in a broad word or phrase (e.g. marketing).  A list of books available electronically will appear.

If the idea of skimming through a book is too daunting, catch up on some of your favorite thought leaders by reading their articles.  The article database I recommend most for business is ABI/Inform.  Once in the database. type in an author you find interesting, e.g. Porter, Michael; change the selection from Citation and Abstract to Author; then press Search.  A list of articles written by the author will appear.  If you click on the title of the article, the abstract will be made available to you.  Review the abstract and subject list to make sure you will find this article useful.  The full text of the article is generally listed below.  If the full text of the article is not attached to this record, use the “Find Full Text @ G” icon to link to another database that has the full text.  In the unlikely event the article is not available in another database, use the free “Get article via email link” option to request the article.  More business articles can be found in additional databases.

If you want to escape the snow news or read papers from your Global Experience country, These databases contain the full text and color photos and images of 225 newspapers from all over the world.

If you’re not feeling active enough for any of these things, catch up on some of the great programs that MSB has hosted.

The library building is open.  If you can make it to campus, say thank you to those working.  Most of the library staff is also working virtually; you can use any of these methods to reach out to us:  You can also reach me at, to ask questions or set up a telephone call.

Stay safe, warm, and dry.

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