Sept 2009
Welcome back. A lot of changes this year. New building for you and a new BIC and library website.
(For MBAs) MBA orientation to the library service and sources are on Sept 8 (12-1 and 5-6 pm), Sept 9 (7-8 pm), and Nov 4 (12-1 and 7-8pm), in the Dubin Room (156) of the Lauinger Library. Topics covered: introduction to business databases used in financial, management, and marketing research, library services, group study rooms, free direct borrowing, coffee shop, and videos.
(For faculty) I can visit the Hariri Building at the drop of a hat. If there are classes with a research component, I would be happy to come into your classroom or host your class in the library. I also can create a web page just for your class to be put in Blackboard. Here is a breakdown of the types of classes you can request:
20 Min: Intro to the business librarian and library’s website as it relates to an assignment
30 Min: Same as above plus highlighting one or two databases
40 Min: Same as above plus how to search effectively in one or two databases
50 Min: Same as above plus how to use critical thinking about the assignment
60 Min: Same as above plus hands-on exercises (most effective for learning)
If there is no class time for a research session, you can arrange a workshop in the library on any topic or database. Here are some suggestions:
The Business Intelligence Center (BIC) is resettling and may give you 404 Errors. This is temporary. When this happens, take the link URL and replace “www” with “old”. The content should be there.
Other related changes: there is a new blog called BICPicks Plans are to use this for announcements from vendors, government/business relations, relevant events at Georgetown, and tricks and tips on doing better business research. Please subscribe and feel free to make suggestions or comments.
Office Hours for your Information Consultant in Hariri Building: Every Monday and Tuesday 3-4 pm in the IT Breakout Rooms. Learn Bloomberg or any other databases. Discuss research strategies or set up alerts on companies or industries you are interested in.
The first Refworks training session is September 15.
The Future of Global Finance
Washington, D.C.
Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and Financial Times
Rafik B. Hariri Building
Friday, September 18, 2009
Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and the Financial Times invite you to The Future of Global Finance. The keynote speakers are Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Sheila C. Bair, Chairman of the Federal Depository and Insurance Corporation; and Larry Summers*, Director, National Economic Council, The White House. Please visit the link at the bottom of this email to view the complete program and to register. We encourage you to register early as space is limited.
Conference Chair:
Reena Aggarwal, Robert E. McDonough Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Finance, Georgetown University
George Daly, Dean, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
Keynote Speaker:
Sheila C. Bair, Chairman, Federal Depository and Insurance CorporationPanel I: Emerging Powers in Global Finance
Henny Sender, International Financial Correspondent, Financial Times
Zubaid Ahmed, Vice Chairman and Head of Corporate Finance, Standard Chartered Bank; Richard H. Frank, Chief Executive Officer, Darby Private Equity-Franklin Templeton Investors;Timothy O’Neill, Co-Head of the Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs & Co.; and Robert Steers, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Cohen and Steers Panel II: Regulation of Financial Markets
Reena Aggarwal, Robert E. McDonough Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Finance, Georgetown University
Lucian Bebchuk, William J. Friedman and Alicia Townsend Friedman Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance, Harvard University; John C. Coffee, Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law, Columbia University; Richard G. Ketchum, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, FINRA; and Ravi Narain, Chief Executive Officer, National Stock Exchange of India
Keynote Speaker:
Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Panel III: Restructuring of Financial Markets
Krishna Guha, Chief, U.S. Economics Editor, Financial Times
Peter S. Goodman, National Economic Writer, New York Times;, Donald C. Langevoort, Thomas Aquinas Reynolds Professor of Law, Georgetown University; Maureen O’Hara, Robert W. Purcell Professor of Management and Professor of Finance, Cornell University; and Phillip L. Swagel, Visiting Professor of Finance, Georgetown University and Former Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
Keynote Speaker:
Larry Summers*, Director, National Economic Council, The White House
* invited
For more program information and to register: or e-mail